Griffin-Wright Funeral Home
Package 1 $7000
Same Day Visitation and Funeral Package with Casket Non-Gasketed (Alex )Professional Services of Funeral Director and StaffRemoval of deceased from place of death to funeral home EmbalmingCosmetology, dressing, casketing, hair care and makeupSupervising staff for SAME-DAY viewing/wakeHearse to CemeteryVisitors Register BookAcknowledgement Cards (100)Pallbearer Gloves**These packages Do Not include** Merchandise (ex.) Vault, Limo, Casket Panel, Clothing (men or women) Cash Advance items: Clergy, Organist/Soloist, Flowers, Obituaries, Death Certificate or Cemetery Charge Sunday or Holiday Charge
Package 2 $7000
Two Day Visitation and Funeral Package with Gasketed Casket (Franklin) Professional Services of Funeral Director and Staff Removal of deceased from place of death to funeral home Embalming Cosmetology, dressing, casketing, hair care and makeup Supervising staff for SAME-DAY viewing/wake Hearse to Cemetery Visitors Registration Book Acknowledgement Cards (100) Pallbearer Gloves
General Price List
Professional Service of Funeral Director and Staff $1805.00
This is the basic charge to each family we serve for our professional expertise in assisting them. It includes, but not limited to, a proportionate share of the taxes, utilities and business expenses necessary to serve the public in a professional manner. Services of the Funeral Director and Staff are included as we respond to the initial request for service, consultation with family- to determine services required, consultation with clergy, planning the final disposition of the deceased, recording vital statistics, securing permits and authorizations, filing and obtaining death certificate and preparation of other forms. This charge also includes the professional service of Funeral Director for wake & service
Transfer of Remains to Funeral Home within Illinois $395.00
Two Day Visitation and Funeral Package with Gasketed Casket (Franklin) Professional Services of Funeral Director and Staff Removal of deceased from place of death to funeral home Embalming Cosmetology, dressing, casketing, hair care and makeup Supervising staff for SAME-DAY viewing/wake Hearse to Cemetery Visitors Registration Book Acknowledgement Cards (100) Pallbearer Gloves
Transfer of Remains to Funeral Home from Indiana $395.00
Two Day Visitation and Funeral Package with Gasketed Casket (Franklin) Professional Services of Funeral Director and Staff Removal of deceased from place of death to funeral home Embalming Cosmetology, dressing, casketing, hair care and makeup Supervising staff for SAME-DAY viewing/wake Hearse to Cemetery Visitors Registration Book Acknowledgement Cards (100) Pallbearer Gloves
Transfer of Remains to Funeral Home Obese Case (300lbs and up)(Illinois or Indiana) $450.00**
Two Day Visitation and Funeral Package with Gasketed Casket (Franklin) Professional Services of Funeral Director and Staff Removal of deceased from place of death to funeral home Embalming Cosmetology, dressing, casketing, hair care and makeup Supervising staff for SAME-DAY viewing/wake Hearse to Cemetery Visitors Registration Book Acknowledgement Cards (100) Pallbearer Gloves
Embalming 525.00
Embalming is a chemical process which provides temporary preservation of the body and eliminates certain health hazards. Except in certain cases, embalming is not required by law. Embalming may be necessary, however, if you select certain funeral arrangement such as a funeral with viewing. If you do not want embalming, you usually have the right to choose an arrangement which does not require you to pay for it, such as Direct Cremation or Immediate Burial. It is the policy of Griffin-Wright Funeral Home to require embalming where funerals are selected which require a public viewing.
Other Care of the Deceased $500.00
This includes washing, exterior disinfecting, Dressing, Casketing, Hair Care & Cosmetology
Hearse to Home, Church or Use of Chapel $400.00
Please have six Pallbearers at church one hour before the wake
Hearse to Cemetery or Airport $400.00
Pallbearer Gloves $25.00
Register Book $40.00
(100) Acknowledgement Cards $35.00
Viewing or Visitation $200.00
Families that select same day viewing and service will pay a base price of $4125.00
Families that select viewing and service two consecutive days will pay a base price of $4325.00
Families that select same day viewing and service with an obese case(350 lbs) will pay a base price of $4180.00
Families that select viewing and service two consecutive days obese case(350 lbs) will pay a base price of $4380.00
Children Pricelist
The following charges include Professional Services of Funeral Director and Staff, removal, embalming, other preparation of the body, register book, acknowledgement cards, hearse to cemetery, pallbearer gloves
Memorial Service
Our services include the coordination, supervision, staffing, set up and use of the facilities for Memorial Service In addition, the use of sound system and media services
Our services include services of Funeral Director and Staff, removal of deceased from place of death, embalming, securing all authorizations and permits & other forms and claims, recording vital statistics, filing & obtaining Death Certificate, transportation to cemetery
This service includes the cost of a minimal casket but not the death certificate
Forwarding Remains to another Funeral Home $1550.00
Our services include Professional Service of Funeral Director and staff, securing certain documents, removal of remains, embalming Forwarding to another funeral home, local transportation to airport but not shipping charges.
Shipping Tray $225.00
Receiving Remains from another Funeral Home $1550.00
Our services include Professional services of funeral director and staff (without ceremony), care of the remains, proportionate share of overhead cost and transportation of remains to funeral home, cemetery or crematory
Immediate Burial with Unfinished Wood Box $1975.00
Immediate Burial with Container Provided by Family $1600.00
This charge includes removal of remains, services of Funeral Director and Staff, basic use of facilities recording vital statistics, securing permits and authorizations, filing and obtaining death certificates, and other forms and claims, care of remains, transportation to cemetery. This does not include the cost of wake/visitation, funeral service, (memorial) or cemetery charges
Cremation by Fire or Flameless $900.00
Flameless Cremation is also called (Alkaline Hydrolysis ) This process uses 95% water and 5% Alkali. Sodium Hydroxide or Potassium Hydroxide is added. Alkali is found in a host of products ie..toothpaste, beauty supplies and lotions ect. It releases no smoke, mercury emissions or particular matter into the atmosphere. It accelerates the natural course of breakdown to the bone which is then crushed resulting in cremated remains.
Direct Cremation with temporary container, Crematory Cost and Cook County Permit $2475.00
This charge includes professional services of funeral director and staff, signing all authorizations, removal of remains, care of remains, permit. Transportation to Crematory. Requirement: at least one family member must identify the decedent at the Funeral Home before removal by crematory occurs. This process is irreversible….
Not included: Crematory fee, Death Certificate, Insurance processing fee, Urn -
Viewing one day prior to service $200.00
This charge is in addition to any service selected that is not same day funeral.
Price range $900.00-$25,000
Crowning Ceremony - Gold $150.00
Casket Panel $225.00
Crucifix $25.00
Rental Casket $900.00
Extra Fee For Sunday and Holiday $325.00
Complete Price List will be provided at Funeral Home
Complete Price List will be provided at Funeral Home
AJ Blooms
18855 Dixie Highway, Homewood, IL
Disinterment $500.00
This charge includes professional service of funeral direct and staff
Reinternment $500.00
This charge includes professional service of funeral direct and staff
Sam Hill 400 West 76th Street, Chicago, IL
TERMS FOR PAYMENT: To avoid a possibility of misunderstanding or embarrassment, payment for Goods and Services is expected 48hours prior to services rendered, unless other arrangements have been made prior to need (Pre-Need Contract).
For your convenience, we accept Cash, Check- however,3rd party checks will Not be accepted, Credit Card (American Express, Discover Master Card or Visa) Money Order or Cashier’s Check and Verifiable Irrevocable Insurance Assignment
When assigning an insurance policy to satisfy the cost of the funeral service, a flat fee of $200.00 will be charged to the family.
Ford Acceptance Corp is a company we use to expedite payment when using an insurance policy a charge of 8% of the total bill will be deducted to cover fees.
DISCLAIMER: The goods and services shown within this General Price List are those we can provide to our customers. You may choose only the items you desire. However, any funeral arrangement you select will include a charge for our Basic Professional Service unless otherwise stated. If legal or other requirements mean you must buy any items you do not specifically ask for, we will explain the reasoning in writing on the statement we provide describing the funeral goods and services you selected.
DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY: The only warranty of the casket or any merchandise sold in connection with services is the expressed written warranty, if any, granted by the manufacturer. The Griffin-Wright Funeral Service, Inc. makes no warranty, expressed or implied, including an implied warranty of merchantability and an implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to the casket and /or outer burial container.
All Business Transactions MUST be completed 2 days PRIOR to the first viewing or day of service.
Personal Checks will be accepted under the following conditions:
- No predated or postdated checks
- No third-party checks
- Checks must be approved by Tele-check System
- Check signer or payor must be present with valid ID
Insurance policies will be accepted under the following conditions:
- Insurance Policy must be beyond two – year contestable period
- Insurance Policy is received by funeral home and all claim/assignment forms
signed by verified beneficiary (s) at lease two days before first viewing of the decease
Their fee is 8% of the total bill
We would like to extend to you our Pre-Arrangement Specialist.
The burden of losing a loved one can be made slightly easier by utilizing our Pre-Arrangement Program which locks in today’s prices for use in the future.
Please call (312-480-8804) today to schedule an appointment.